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Version: v1


<head> ... </head>
<!-- BEAM START -->
<script type="module" src="./beam-config.js"></script>
<script type="module" async crossorigin src="./beam-cart-setup.js"></script>
<!-- BEAM END -->

Base code

beam-config.liquid (if using a template)

Replace the following in the example, including the {{ }}

  • Beam Version SDK version (Latest version: latest) (See SDK Versions for more info)
  • apiKey Your Beam SDK API Key (string)
  • chainId Your Beam Chain ID (number)
  • storeId Your Beam Store ID (number)
  • domain Your website’s top-level domain (string, eg: “”). If your site uses different subdomains between your public storefront and your checkout flow (ie: and, this setting allows for storing nonprofit selections between each subdomain.
  • baseUrl The Beam base server URL. This is optional unless you are using credentials for the Beam staging server

SDK v1.31.0+ (current)

  import { init } from "{{ sdk_version }}/dist/integrations/beam.js"
import { StatsigPlugin } from "{{ sdk_version }}/dist/integrations/statsig.js"

const beam = await init({
apiKey: "{{ storefront_component_api_key }}", // i.e., "abc123.xyz456"
chainId: {{ chain_id }}, // i.e., 1000
storeId: {{ store_id }}, // i.e., 50000
domain: "{{ domain }}", // i.e., ""
// Base URL is optional - it is used to change to a staging server
baseUrl: "{{ base_url }}",
plugins: [
new StatsigPlugin({ statsigApiKey: "{{ statsig_api_key }}" })
], // Beam Plugins, such as Statsig (see documentation)

Reading config values in other snippets / Liquid code:

    import { getConfig } from "{{ sdk_version }}/dist/integrations/beam.js"

const beam = getConfig(); // Reads the config values set by init()

Async initialization for plugins that take time to load, like Statsig:

  // Use one of the following methods to wait for async Beam plugins:

// The Beam object has a Promise that can be awaited:
await beam.readyPromise;

// Instead of the Promise, you can use event listeners:
if (beam.status !== "ready") {
beam.addEventListener("beamstatuschange", (event) => {
const status = event.detail.status;
if (status === "ready") doSomething(beam);
else if (status === "error") handleError(event.detail.error);

SDK before v1.31.0

Older versions of the SDK do not have the init/getConfig system and require additional code below:

  // beam-config.js
window.BeamImpact = {
...(window.BeamImpact || {}),
apiKey: "{{ storefront_component_api_key }}",
chainId: {{ chain_id }},
storeId: {{ store_id }},
storeTopDomain: "{{ domain }}",
baseUrl: "{{ base_url }}",
logUrl: "",
initialized: false,
awaitable: Promise.resolve(true),
logEvent: async (eventName, value, metadata = {}) => {
console.debug("🚀 Beam event logged", eventName, value, metadata);