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Version: v1

Configuring Beam

Most of Beam’s widgets and code implementations reference specific identifiers and credentials that will be necessary to communicate with the Beam system.

Please ensure that you have all of these values readily available as you begin your implementation, and reach out to us if you need them!

Enter your credentials below to pre-fill the code snippets on the rest of the site.


The values for these credentials will differ between production and staging (see Base URL below).

General Settings

This is the Beam API Key used to communicate with Beam's system. This is provided by Beam during initial setup, and will look similar to abc123.xyz456def789. API keys can have different access scopes — the key you use for the storefront components will be different than the key used to call Beam's OMS integration.

This is the Beam API Key used to to integrate with Beam's OMS integration. This is provided by Beam during initial setup, and will look similar to server.xyz456def789. API keys can have different access scopes — the key you use for the storefront components will be different than the key used to call Beam's OMS integration.

chainID is a number that uniquely identifies your overall brand in Beam’s system. This is provided by Beam during initial setup.

Store ID or Postal Code + Country Code can be used to identify your "store" in Beam. Beam stores are used to provide nonprofits relevant to specific locations. storeId is a number that uniquely identifies individual locations, stores, websites, or a similar grouping of user activity in the Beam settings for your brand. postalCode andcountryCode should be provided instead of storeId if your Beam configuration includes multiple stores.

Web SDK Settings

This will be used to determine which version of the Beam widget code should be used. Depending on your integration, this will either affect which code is loaded from the Beam CDN or correspond to the version number of the Beam NPM package.

The “top domain” of your site (i.e.,, which is used to set cookies that can be read across subdomains. This is used to preserve nonprofit selections and AB test assignments if your storefront and checkout flows are on different subdomains like,

This is an optional API key that is provided by Beam if the integration will be using A/B tests. This key is used to communicate with Statsig's backend system, and will look similar to client-abc123xyz456

  • This value can be used to point the widgets to Beam's Staging environment. You do not need to set baseUrl unless you are using a non-production URL.
  • Staging requires a different apiKey and chainId than production.
  • Production (default):
  • Staging URL: