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Version: v1


Partner or ChainA company that uses Beam’s services. Also referred to as a brand or brand partner.
UserAn individual customer, a shopper visiting a partner brand's site.
NonprofitAn organization to which users can direct a donation. Each selection opportunity shows at most 4 nonprofits. Nonprofits may be tailored to be local to regional areas.
CauseA categorization for all nonprofits working to achieve a common social outcome (e.g., Sustainability, Mental Health, Reproductive Rights, etc.)
TransactionEach order by a user is referred to as a transaction. Each transaction has a unique ID. A transaction is considered redeemed if a user has selected a nonprofit for that transaction. A redeemed transaction adds a donation to the brand’s impact, which is managed by Beam.
Personal ImpactThe Impact of the user on a per-nonprofit basis. This is shown in the integration as a progress bar representing the amount the user has directed towards a tangible goal for the nonprofit.
Community ImpactThis refers to the impact that all customers of a partner have made together for each nonprofit. This is represented in the SDK as a progress bar towards a goal (e.g, funding a year of school for underserved kids).