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Version: v1

Quickstart Guide

This guide is for brands who want to take advantage of Beam's integration services for Shopify.

Beam Pre-style's all your widgets

Our integration is designed to be as lightweight as possible, and Beam further reduces development time by sharing a custom, pre-configured widgets specific to only your brand. The API package will reflect all configurations to align the styling of each Beam widget to the custom UI/UX we’ve aligned on in advance. This eliminates the need for any development time on your team’s end for configuration and simplifies the development process to 3 steps, which can typically be implemented in roughly 1 day:

Beam gets collaborator access

Zero dev lift for our partners:

  1. Give Beam collaborator access & schedule an integration window
  2. Beam duplicates the live theme and places the storefront components & installs Shopify custom app
  3. Beam runs QA
  4. Schedule a go live window with Beam after approving the integration!

👋 If you’re using a ReBuy SmartCart we have a custom Beam app that makes it even easier to place your nonprofit widget into the SmartCart than ever before! Simply turn on the Beam app in your SmartCart dashboard and include your Beam API Key!