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Version: v1

Cart Setup

<head> ... </head>

<!-- BEAM START -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./beam-config.js"></script>
<script type="module" async crossorigin src="./beam-cart-setup.js"></script>
<!-- BEAM END -->

Base code

Replace the following in the example

  • cartItemObserverTarget - this will be the element that will be watched. Make sure that this element is as close to where the Beam widget should display as possible; since any changes to that element will trigger the observer code to run, we want to make sure that the observer callback is not called unnecessarily.
  import { updateCart } from "{{ sdk_version }}/dist/integrations/shopify.js";
import { events, waitForElement } from "{{ sdk_version }}/dist/integrations/utils.js";
import { getConfig } from "{{ sdk_version }}/dist/integrations/beam.js";

const beamConfig = getConfig();
await beamConfig.readyPromise;

const cartItemObserverTarget = ".cart-item-observer-target";

await waitForElement(cartItemObserverTarget);
const observerElement = document.querySelector(cartItemObserverTarget)

const cartChangeObserver = new MutationObserver(
async (mutationsList, observer) => {
await updateCart(beamConfig, {

if (observerElement) {
cartChangeObserver.observe(observerElement, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true});