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Version: v1

Post Purchase

On any thank you page after a customer has completed an order, the Beam Post Purchase experience can be easily integrated. If a user has already selected a nonprofit in the cart for that order, the thank you page will show the Impact Overview widget. If a customer has not selected a nonprofit, the customer will see the option to select a nonprofit using the Select Nonprofit widget. Once the customer clicks “Submit”, the transaction will be updated in Beam’s system with the user’s nonprofit selection and the thank you page will then show the Impact Overview widget.

Widget script configuration

To add the Beam Post Purchase script to your BigCommerce Storefront:

  1. Open your BigCommerce Storefront administration panel, and go to Script Manager

    Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 4.22.04 PM.png

  2. Click the Create Script button to add a new script to your storefront

    Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 4.23.44 PM.png

  3. Use the following information to fill out the new script creation form

    1. Script name: Beam Post Purchase
    2. Description: Beam Post Purchase Script Tag
    3. Placement: Footer
    4. Location: Order Confirmation
    5. Script category: Essential
    6. Script type: Script
    7. Script contents:

    In the following code example, replace

    • apiKey - Your Beam SDK API Key
    • storeId - Your Beam Store Id
    • baseUrl - This value can remain unchanged, unless you are specifically using Beam’s Staging environment
    • lang - Beam supports changing the displayed language based on a lang parameter passed into the widgets. If your site supports multiple languages, this value should be updated based on any existing language detection method available in your site. The supported values for this property can be found in the Beam Supported Languages documentation.
    • postPurchaseParentContainer - This is the Javascript query selector that determines which HTML element the Beam Post Purchase widget will be added to. For most BigCommerce sites, this value is .orderConfirmation-section
    • postPurchaseContainerStyle - This is a quick styling option for the Beam Post Purchase container which accepts a simple CSS string. The default value of padding: 0 40px 0 0; has been found to match most site’s styling well, though may be updated as necessary, or removed, based on your Thank You page needs.
    <script type="module">
    import { waitForElement } from "";

    const apiKey = "{{ SDK API Key }}";
    const storeId = {{ Store Id }};
    const baseUrl = "";
    const domain = "";
    const lang = "en";
    const postPurchaseParentContainer = ".orderConfirmation-section";
    const postPurchaseContainerStyle = "padding: 0 40px 0 0;";

    async function addWidget() {
    fetch("/api/storefront/order/{{}}", {
    credentials: "include",
    .then(function (response) {
    return response.json();
    .then(function (order) {
    const widgetContainer = document.createElement("div");
    widgetContainer.setAttribute("data-beam-widget", "post-purchase"); = beamPostPurchaseContainerStyle;

    const widget = document.createElement("beam-post-purchase");
    widget.setAttribute("apiKey", apiKey);
    widget.setAttribute("storeId", storeId);
    widget.setAttribute("baseUrl", baseUrl);
    widget.setAttribute("domain", domain);
    widget.setAttribute("lang", lang);
    widget.setAttribute("orderId", `${order.orderId}`);
    widget.setAttribute("cartTotal", order.baseAmount);
    widget.setAttribute("email", order.billingAddress?.email);
    widget.setAttribute("postalCode", order.billingAddress?.postalCode);
    widget.setAttribute("countryCode", order.billingAddress?.countryCode);
    widget.setAttribute("currencyCode", order.currency?.code || "USD");

    await waitForElement(beamPostPurchaseParentContainer);
    const parent = document.querySelector(beamPostPurchaseParentContainer);
  4. Click the Save button to save your new script