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Version: v1

Select Nonprofit

The select-nonprofit component integrates with the cart to allow customers to select a nonprofit to support as they check out.

Base component

File: src/app/components/beam/beam-select-nonprofit.tsx

"use client"
import React, { useEffect, useState, type FC } from 'react'
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import { events } from '@beamimpact/web-sdk/dist/integrations/utils'
import { BEAM_PUBLIC_API_KEY, BEAM_STORE_ID } from '@/components/beam/constants'
import { updateCartAttributes } from '@/common/updateCartAttributes' // App-specific implementation

const BeamSelectNonprofit = dynamic(
() => import("@beamimpact/web-sdk/dist/react/select-nonprofit"),
{ loading: () => null, ssr: false },

export const BeamSelectNonprofitWrapper: FC = () => {
// Optional: state for handling nonprofit selection in app
const [selectedNonprofit, setSelectedNonprofit] = useState({id: null, name: null})

const handleNonprofitSelect = (event: events.BeamNonprofitSelectEvent) => {
const { selectedNonprofitId, nonprofitName, selectionId } = event.detail;
// Nonprofit details can be displayed in a message, saved on server, etc.
name: nonprofitName,
id: selectedNonprofitId,
// Update your cart with Beam metadata, if applicable
const cartId = '{{ Insert your method for getting a unique cart id here }}'
beam_cart_id: cartId,
beam_chain_id: BEAM_CHAIN_ID,
beam_store_id: BEAM_STORE_ID,
beam_nonprofit_id: selectedNonprofitId,
beam_selection_id: selectionId,

return (

Set up Beam cart tracking, adding the Select Nonprofit widget

Cart tracking is typically added wherever your cart component is located. In this example, we’re showing a “cart” component, importing the Cart tracking

File: src/app/components/cart

import { type FC } from 'react'
import BeamSelectNonprofit from '@/components/beam/beam-select-nonprofit'
import {
type TBeamCart,
} from '~/src/components/beam/beam-track-cart'

export const Cart: FC = () => {
const handleCartChange = cartDetails => {
// ... Your app's cart change handling here ...
// Emit a change event to the Beam Cart tracking script
// This function should be called whenever your cart changes
const beamCart: TBeamCart = {/*...*/}

return (
{/* Your cart elements here */}
<BeamSelectNonprofit />