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Version: v1

Post Purchase


Adina Eden


The Beam post-purchase widget will register an order in Beam and then either show an option to select a nonprofit, or the impact of their selection if they already made one in the cart.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 18.13.40.png

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 18.13.51.png

Base widget


  • apiKey - Your Beam SDK API Key
  • chainId - Your Beam Chain Id
  • storeId - Your Beam Store Id
  • domain - Top domain for store, without subdomain (if subdomain for store is different than checkout)
  • orderId - The completed order’s unique id; this value is used by Beam to tie this order back to your system. This is the value that should be passed to the Beam transaction update API
  • email - The customer’s email address
  • cartTotal - The subtotal of the order; exclude shipping and taxes, but include discounts
  • currencyCode - The 3 character ISO code of the currency used for the purchase
  • lang - The language in which to display the Post Purchase widget. See the full list of Beam Supported Languages for the current options.
  • postalCode - The postal code of the customer’s shipping or billing address; this is used for Beam Nonprofit Regionalization, if enabled.
  • countryCode - The country code of the customer’s shipping or billing address
  • cart - The contents of the cart / order; this is used for SKU-based promotions
  • parentSelector - The querySelector value of the container in which the Beam Post Purchase widget should render
  • discountCodes - This is a list of the discount codes used on the order; this is used for discount code-based promotions
"use client"
import { type FC } from 'react'
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
import * as Beam from '@/components/beam/constants'

const BeamPostPurchase = dynamic(
() => import("@beamimpact/web-sdk/dist/react/post-purchase"),
{ loading: () => null, ssr: false },

// Cart should be passed in the following format:
const cart = {
content: {
discounts: [{ code: "FREE_SHIPPING", applicable: true }], // The applicable order-level discount codes applied
items: [
remoteProductIdentifier: 'sku-123', // SKU or product ID
localAmount: 49.95 // Amount in cart currency (USD, EUR etc.)
discounts: [{ code: "15OFF", applicable: true }], // The applicable line item level discount codes applied
{ remoteProductIdentifier: 'sku-456', localAmount: 40.05 },

export default BeamPostPurchaseWrapper: FC = () => {
const props = {
apiKey: Beam.BEAM_API_KEY,
chainId: Beam.BEAM_CHAIN_ID,
storeId: Beam.BEAM_STORE_ID,
domain: Beam.BEAM_DOMAIN, // if using subdomain for checkout
orderId: "Your_Order_ID", // Order ID in store's format
email: "",
cartTotal: 90.00, // Total before tax and shipping
cart, // Line items
currencyCode: "USD" // "EUR" etc.
countryCode: "US" // "CA" etc.
postalCode: "00000-0000", // Postal code, string, in local format
lang: "en", // Language to use for strings [en, fr, de, it, pl]
discountCodes: ["FREE_SHIPPING", "15OFF"], // List of all promo codes used on the order
debug: false, // Display error messages to user?

return <BeamPostPurchase {...props} />