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Version: v1

Select Nonprofit

The nonprofit selection component is where the user is registered, and is where the user can choose a nonprofit for their transaction. For the transaction after a user chooses a nonprofit, a donation will be recorded as owed to that nonprofit. All recorded donations will separately be fulfilled in aggregate on a quarterly basis by the Finance team.

  • Tag Type: Custom HTML
  • Support document.write: Yes
  • Tag Sequencing: Fire after "Beam Initialization" tag
<!-- BEGIN Beam Select Nonprofit -->
<script type="module" async crossorigin src=""></script>
<script type="module">
import { getConfig } from "";

var beam = getConfig();
await beam.readyPromise;

var component = document.createElement('beam-select-nonprofit');
component.setAttribute('apiKey', beam.apiKey);
component.setAttribute('chainId', beam.chainId);
component.setAttribute('storeId', beam.storeId);
component.setAttribute('lang', "en");
component.setAttribute('postalCode', '12345');
component.setAttribute('countryCode', 'US');
component.setAttribute('baseUrl', beam.baseUrl);

var body = document.querySelector('body');
<!-- END Beam Select Nonprofit -->