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Version: v1

Post Purchase


Adina Eden


Beam Post Purchase Tag

  • Tag Type: Custom HTML
  • Support document.write: Yes
  • Tag Sequencing: Fire after "Beam Initialization" tag


  • orderId - The completed order’s unique id; this value is used by Beam to tie this order back to your system. This is the value that should be passed to the Beam transaction update API
  • email - The customer’s email address
  • cartTotal - The subtotal of the order; exclude shipping and taxes, but include discounts
  • currencyCode - The 3 character ISO code of the currency used for the purchase
  • lang - The language in which to display the Post Purchase widget. See the full list of Beam Supported Languages for the current options.
  • postalCode - The postal code of the customer’s shipping or billing address; this is used for Beam Nonprofit Regionalization, if enabled.
  • countryCode - The country code of the customer’s shipping or billing address
  • cart - The contents of the cart / order; this is used for SKU-based promotions
  • beamContainerSelector - The querySelector value of the container in which the Beam Post Purchase widget should render
  • discountCodes - This is a list of the discount codes used on the order; this is used for discount code-based promotions
<!-- BEGIN Beam Post Purchase -->
<script type="module" async crossorigin src=""></script>
<script type="module">
import {
} from "";
import { getConfig } from "";

// Post Purchase widget settings
const hidePostPurchaseWidget = false;
let beamContainerSelector = ".beam-post-purchase-container";

const beam = getConfig();
await beam.readyPromise;

// Get order details
const orderId = "{{ order_id }}";
const cartTotal = parseFloat("{{ subtotal }}");
const customerEmail = "{{ email }}";
const postalCode = "{{ postal_code }}";
const countryCode = "{{ country_code }}";
const currencyCode = "US";
const discounts = ["FREE_SHIPPING"]; // Applicable order-level discount codes

const items = order?.items?.map((item) => {
return {
remoteProductIdentifier: item.sku,
localAmount: parseFloat(item.price_in_order_currency),
remoteSubscriptionId: "{{ subscription_id }}" // [Optional] String value of the subscription id of this line item, if it is a subscription
discounts: [{ code: "15OFF", applicable: true }], // [Optional] The applicable line item-level discount codes applied

const subscriptions = order?.subscriptions?.map((subscription) => {
return {
remoteSubscriptionId: "{{ subscription_id }}",
isNew: true // Set this to false if this is not the first order of the subscription

let cart = {
schema: { source: "generic" }, // Use the actual string "generic" here
content: { items, discounts, subscriptions }

const isBeamEmail = customerEmail.includes("");

// UTILS -----------------------------------------------------------------
function shouldShowBeam() {
return (!hidePostPurchaseWidget || isBeamEmail);
// END UTILS -------------------------------------------------------------

if (!shouldShowBeam()) {
`<style>beam-post-purchase { display:none; }</style>`

await waitForElement(beamContainerSelector);

const component = document.createElement("beam-post-purchase");

component.apiKey = beam.apiKey;
component.storeId = beam.storeId;
component.orderId = orderId; = customerEmail;
component.cartTotal = cartTotal;
component.currencyCode = currencyCode;
component.postalCode = postalCode;
component.countryCode = countryCode;
component.cart = cart;
component.discountCodes = ["FREE_SHIPPING", "15OFF"]; // All discount codes used in the order
component.lang = "en";
component.domain = beam.domain;
component.debug = false;
component.baseUrl = beam.baseUrl;

<!-- END Beam Post Purchase -->