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Version: v1

Subscription Management

A container component that displays either the beam-impact-overview or beam-redeem-transaction widget, depending on the subscription's redemption status, and provides functionality to switch between nonprofits.


  • apiKey (required): The beam provided SDK API key used for authentication
  • subscriptionId (required): The ID of the subscription
  • storeId (required) - Your Beam Store Id for the given site that Beam is being integrated into
  • email (required): The email of the user associated with the subscription
  • partnerUserId (optional): The client’s partner user ID of the user associated with the subscription
  • postalCode (optional but required for regionalization): The postal code for regionalization purposes
  • countryCode (optional but required for regionalization): The country code for regionalization purposes
  • lang (optional): Beam supports changing the displayed language based on a lang parameter passed into the widgets. If your site supports multiple languages, this Liquid variable value should be updated based on any existing language detection method available in the theme. The supported values for this property can be found in the Beam Supported Languages documentation. defaults to English.
  • baseUrl (optional): If using staging environment, you'd need to add base URL and set it equal to ""


src="{{ sdk_version }}/dist/components/subscription-management.esm.js"

apiKey="{{ storefront_component_api_key }}" <!-- required -->
subscriptionId="{{ your subscription id }}" <!-- required -->
storeId="{{ store_id }}" <!-- required -->
email="{{ user's email }}" <!-- required -->
partnerUserId="{{ user's user id }}" <!-- optional -->